Prep. Pix for Find A Grave Upload Copy original pix to c:\jrs\web\pix\findagrave folder 1. Open InfanView Thumbnails 2. Click on the thumbnail pix to be prep'ed - a. opens pix in InfanView window b. click(left & hold) on image at upper left-hand corner (of area to keep) and drag cursor to lower right corner.. release click. Reposition until right. c. Pick Edit Option (top menu bar) - Select "Crop Selection option" - cropped pix is redisplayed (note: uses Lossless Crop plug-in - good!) d. Pick File Option (top menu bar) - Select "Save for Web" - Displays side-by-side of cropped pix and resized (for web) pix - Adjust size (right-hand window) to 250KB (or less) - Pick Save Option (big Icon at top) - Standard "Save As" window opens - defaulted to original pix location - Change file location, if different location is desired - Change file name, unless overwright of original (copy) is desired - Click Save e. Close InfanView window - of newly cropped & resized pix 3. Pick View Option - Select "Refresh" (last option at bottom) 4. View new thumbnail of cropped & resized pix Done. JRS 11-30-09